Welcome to my private depeche MODE collection site.
I’m a fan since 1984 and have started at that time with the German 12″ single releases from INTERCORD. Since then I have bought all releases – mainly in the beginning the 12″ only. Later on when CD came on the market I have collect as well the CD releases.
Since 2002 I have started to collect in more detail the German release, promotion items, French CD single releases, UK & USA releases (mainly CD only).
In August 2002 I have registered this domain to present my raising collecting to other collectors. Yes – the domain is in relation to the great depmod.com site.
Not quite sure where this will ends but I have fun to hunt for special items and new releases.
Thanks I want to say to the great team of depmod.com for the great discography and the best collector forum.
For INTERCORD related depeche Mode items please check as well the site from Xsample
Pavoni aka Sven
17.12.2024 – only WANT LIST is up-to-date – still need to find time to roll out new design for my collection